Times beach cleaning programs conducted.
Plants successfully planted with guarding grill.
Plants are freely distributed at various programs.
Climate change isn’t a distant threat—it is happening now.
The Nature Conservancy is focused on innovative solutions that match the urgency of this crisis. We are protecting & restoring forests, improving working lands, helping communities build resilience & working to ensure a clean energy future. Together with supporters like you, we can halt the catastrophic march of climate change so that our communities can thrive & natural places that renew our spirits can endure.
Save earth
Your contribution makes a difference
Every day of life directly or indirectly we are harming nature with our daily routines. it’s our duty to repair the damaged system.
Why environment
- Our environment is what houses and helps our ecosystem grow. Without protecting our environment animals, crops, and we all are in danger.
- If there is no Environment then we humans would have no place to live nor any other means to survive.
- If our environment is not protected then there would not exist forests which include trees that provide us with the basic means to survive such as oxygen to breathe, timber, wood, oils, and many other products.
- Every day we see a rise in the earth’s temperature. This is because we abuse the environment instead of protecting it. We, humans, have created a major amount of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide which has a major effect on climate change.
- The Environment also benefits the Economy. A healthy Environment promotes more nature-based tourism.
- Cases of Asthma and Bronchitis would decrease if we protect our Environment and provide one another a healthy environment to breathe in.
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